## page was renamed from DNS/実装/リゾルバー/PowerDNS ## page was renamed from DNS/リゾルバー実装/PowerDNS ## page was renamed from DNS/キャッシュサーバ/実装/PowerDNS ## page was renamed from DNS/キャッシュサーバ/PowerDNS DNS/キャッシュサーバ/PowerDNSについて、ここに記述してください。 Documentation http://doc.powerdns.com/ http://doc.powerdns.com/built-in-recursor.html http://doc.powerdns.com/built-in-recursor.html#recursor-settings (コンテンツサーバとしては backend の DBを使うような構成むけらしいが、キャッシュはどうなのか) [[/TTLの扱い]] [[/毒盛対策]] [[/bug]] [[/資源]] boost をダウンロードしておくこと。 c++で書かれている。読めるかな。 == make == {{{ tmaeno@:~/Desktop/pdns-recursor-3.3$ CXXFLAGS=-I../boost_1_47_0 ./configure Testing dependencies and compiler. g++ -I../boost_1_47_0 -Wall -O3 -pthread -D_GNU_SOURCE -MM -MG *.cc *.c *.hh > dep g++ -I../boost_1_47_0 -Wall -O3 -pthread -D_GNU_SOURCE pdns_hw.cc -o pdns_hw Everything ok, now run make using same settings (if any) you passed ./configure tmaeno@:~/Desktop/pdns-recursor-3.3$ CXXFLAGS=-I../boost_1_47_0 make clean rm -f *.o pdns_recursor rec_control optional/*.o$ ./pdns_recursor rm -f dep *~ *.gcda *.gcno optional/*.gcda optional/*.gcno tmaeno@:~/Desktop/pdns-recursor-3.3$ CXXFLAGS=-I../boost_1_47_0 make all }}} FreeBSD では gmake を使うこと。-- ToshinoriMaeno <> == 単体動作テスト == ./pdns_recursor {{{ Jul 20 18:21:05 Unable to parse configuration file '/etc/powerdns/recursor.conf' Jul 20 18:21:05 PowerDNS recursor 3.3 (C) 2001-2010 PowerDNS.COM BV (Jul 20 2011, 18:19:09, gcc 4.5.2) starting up Jul 20 18:21:05 PowerDNS comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it according to the terms of the GPL version 2. Jul 20 18:21:05 Operating in 64 bits mode Jul 20 18:21:05 Reading random entropy from '/dev/urandom' Jul 20 18:21:05 Only allowing queries from:,,,, ::1/128, fe80::/10 Jul 20 18:21:05 Will not send queries to:,,,, ::1/128, fe80::/10,, :: Jul 20 18:21:05 Inserting rfc 1918 private space zones Jul 20 18:21:05 Exception: Resolver binding to server socket on port 53 for Permission denied }}} == install == root@u11:/home/tmaeno/デスクトップ/pdns-recursor-3.3# make install {{{ PLEASE READ: If you get an error mentioning #include , please read README PLEASE READ: for an easy fix! mkdir -p //usr/sbin/ mv pdns_recursor //usr/sbin/ strip //usr/sbin//pdns_recursor mkdir -p //usr/bin/ mv rec_control //usr/bin/ strip //usr/bin//rec_control mkdir -p /"/etc/powerdns/" //usr/sbin//pdns_recursor --config > /"/etc/powerdns/"/recursor.conf-dist mkdir -p /usr/share/man/man1 cp pdns_recursor.1 rec_control.1 /usr/share/man/man1 mkdir -p /etc/init.d ; cp pdns-recursor.init.d /etc/init.d/pdns-recursor }}}