
1. awsdns 乗取

../乗取事例 watchA/awsdns/乗取



1.1. 乗取を疑うドメイン



1.2. lame delegation

The Orphaned Internet

1.3. Route53の対応

Follow up call with someone from the Route53 team discussing Amazon’s remediation strategy and next steps.

Their plan was three pronged in approach:

Raise awareness by updating existing Route53 documentation to explicitly mention that nameservers should be changed if a zone is deleted from Route53. This was already updated when I had the call with them.

Add a UI warning in the AWS control panel which notifies users of this issue upon a user attempting to delete a Route53 zone.

Reach out to affected customers.

All of the above steps were indeed taken by Amazon.

You now get the following warning when you delete a zone in Route53:


しかも、いまも乗取られていると思われるドメインが残っている。-- ToshinoriMaeno 2020-05-16 09:48:05

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MoinQ: DNS/awsdns/乗取 (last edited 2021-12-03 07:34:29 by ToshinoriMaeno)