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△750の試合ではpositive transfer responseが使えないらしい。


This is a complete detailed bridge bidding system using 1C as a strong and forcing bid with most hands 16+ pts unbalanced or 17+ pts balanced.

The system employs transfer responses over 1C. 

Included is a ACBL convention card.

For complete system see my blog. Looking for someone to learn this Precision system to play on bridgebase.com 

 Advantages of a Transfer System of Responses to a Precision 1C

In bridge a precision bidding system has amongst others, the advantage  of limiting 1-bids to 14 hcp and immediately announces with 1C a hand with 15+ hcp and the possibility of game or slam.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Precision with 1D as your Strong Forcing bid 17+ unbal/18+ bal

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